Laundry Day

Everybody Hates Laundry, But That’s No Reason Not To Do It Small Business Insights: Marketing A Guest Blogger post by Daniel Titus Earlier this week I was meeting with a colleague who has designed a massive site for a large and ever-evolving organization. The site has been built; the code is working; everything is ready to go, but they still haven’t launched yet. Why? Because the week before the scheduled launch date there was a change in the information—then another and another. The information can’t stay current enough for approval, so the launch gets delayed. Exasperated by it all, my colleague [...]

August 10th, 2016|Internet Marketing, Web Design Services|Comments Off on Laundry Day

Joomla: My Recent Descent Into Hell

Making Sure Software Is Up To Date: "Set It And Forget It" Is Foolish Small Business Insights: Technical I recently secured a small project helping a fellow small business owner to update his existing website. That's right, as a WordPress fanboy I stepped up to the challenge of Joomla. Now everyone knows that the expression "It's not that hard" often turns out to be famous last words. Just as it's not that hard to replace a carburetor on your car IF you know how to do it. The same applies to plumbing, electrical work and so on, and so on. It's my [...]

June 5th, 2015|Internet Marketing, Technical|Comments Off on Joomla: My Recent Descent Into Hell

Add Your Business To Top Free Directories & Websites

Take Full Advantage Of Free Resources Small Business Insights: Marketing A Guest Blogger post by Josh Olswanger As a start-up business, your initial goal is to increase revenue by increasing business. Sounds easy enough, right? Well, believe it or not, it’s not always a walk in the park when deciding where to find your next customer or client. Luckily, with a great business marketing plan, you should be able to funnel your attention towards avenues that will undoubtedly increase your chances of finding new business. Hence we have the Internet. Say goodbye to yesterday when looking for a local plumber [...]

Google Class Action Settlement: SPAM Or Conspiracy?

Whilst checking my email, I made a rare visit to the SPAM filter that's doing a bang-up job and keeping my INBOX clear of mourning Nigerian's and information about the "vacation cruise of a lifetime" It's a rare occasion because I put a profound degree of trust in the Google/GMAIL system. And more recently, I looped in my Yahoo account which means those incoming emails are now subject to the rock-solid GMAIL filters. If it seems like I'm gushing about GMAIL, I am. So how is it that the system that serves me so well made such an odd error [...]

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